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Requests for WGCHT talks continue

The Trust was recently invited to give a talk about its activities to the Welwyn Garden City Womens Club, one of the oldest organisations in the town.

The meeting was one of their regular lunch time sessions held in the Barn Theatre (see photo on right).

Following some refreshments Tony Skottowe gave the packed house an illustrated talk on how the Trust was formed and what its principal objectives are.

One particular aspect of the Trust’s activities to be raised was its very cordial relations with the Welwyn Garden City Society. Tony acknowledged that there had been difficulties a few years back but assured the audience that an excellent working relationship was now in place.

Future plans for activities by the Trust were outlined, especially the Second Garden City lecture to be given by Dr Mervyn Miller on 12th June in the Hawthorne Theatre. The talk is entitled Transatlantic Garden City Dialogues and further details of arrangements for reserving a place at the cost of £1:50 are to be published soon.

The session finished with a Q&A that covered a wide variety of aspects of the Trust’s activities.