Placemaking: From Garden Cities to New Towns
'Placemaking: From Garden Cities to New Towns' was a free workshop and networking event that took place on Saturday 1st June at the University of Hertfordshire's Fielder Centre.
A one-day interdisciplinary workshop and networking event on the history of garden cities and new towns that was part of the University of Hertfordshire ‘New Town Heritage’ project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. It offered an opportunity to share interests, ideas and plans with researchers from academia, community groups and other local organisations from Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and beyond.
The event was run by Dr. Christine Garwood and speakers included Professor Susan Parham (Head Of Urbanism at UH) who spoke on the use of charrettes as a method of contributing to planning projects; David Ames (Head of Strategic Planning & Heritage, Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation) whose talk was entitled 'Letchworth Garden City - its principles and relevance to new settlements today'. John Pye (External Funding Officer, Stevenage Borough Council) spoke on the Stevenage Town Centre Vision and the last talk of the day was given by Shane Downer (Heritage Development Officer, Milton Keynes Borough Council) and Henk Aswegen (Director, Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre) asking the question 'Why Does A New Town Need Heritage?'
For details of future events visit The University of Hertfordshire’s Heritage Hub website by clicking here or email