Help Us Celebrate!

We are now well over half way through our year long Where Do You Think You Live? project encompassing the oral memory recordings, House Detectives housing research and the photography element of current and archive images of the town.
To celebrate this fact and to enable us to share what has been discovered so far we are holding a social event in the Terrace Suite, Campus West on Thursday 7th April at 7.30pm.
We do hope that you will join us and if you have been actively researching your housing history, found any archive photographs of WGC or taken digital photos under the theme of "My Neighbourhood" or "My Favourite Place in WGC" that you will bring along these to share with other participants.
The Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust has also arranged for the re-issue of the film Welwyn Garden City: Brave Vision as a DVD and this will be shown in the Park Lounge as part of our event with copies available to purchase.
In order to gauge numbers we are ticketing the event so please let us know if you require one or more – email
We hope to see you there...