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Public Meeting

Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier hated the cites of their time with an overwhelming passion. All three went on to become urban planning’s greatest visionaries. Only one of the three, however, motivated by the poverty and slum conditions suffered by so many in the late Victorian era , went on to write ‘Garden Cities of Tomorrow’, a book that became the most influential publication in the history of 20th century town planning. Welwyn Garden City is an outstanding demonstration of that vision and the reason why we need to celebrate it and protect its heritage.

A meeting has been arranged to look at how to further the cause of a Heritage Centre in Welwyn Garden City. Following the huge response from residents throughout the town when the idea was first put forward by Tony Skottowe, a request was made to the Council for help in finding a location for a launch meeting for the project. The organisers are pleased to announce that The Terrace Suite, on the first floor of Campus West has been made available by the Council for a meeting on Friday 19th May at 7:30 pm.

The principal focus of the meeting will be to determine the best format to adopt for the organisation, for example would a Trust or a Not-For-Profit Company be the best vehicle to use. The second key purpose will be to set up a group pf interested people to take forward the ideas agreed in the meeting and to bring forward concrete proposals on the form and functions of any organisation. The meeting will be open to everyone with an interest in preserving the heritage of the Garden City, whether they are currently living here or not. Readers are asked to pass on this information to anyone they think might be interested, and, of course, to be there themselves for what is hoped will be an important event in the history of the town. Anyone wishing to make a special contribution to the proceedings should please contact Tony Skottowe via email:
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