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Shredded Wheat interiors in 3D?

Set of stereoscopic cards of the Shredded Wheat factory

The Trust has been given an unusual donation of cards picturing the inner workings of the Shredded Wheat factory. The cards, shown grouped below, are stereoscopic images and they would have been viewed through a stereoscope, a device for viewing cards containing two separate images printed side-by-side to create the illusion of a three-dimensional image.

The first card shows an exterior shot of the factory.

Shredded Wheat factory exterior


The next picture is of the steam cookers.

Shredded Wheat steam cookers


The image below shows the factory shredding machine.

Shredded Wheat shredding machine


Below is a more detailed shot of the shredding machine.

Shredded Wheat shredding machine detail


The following picture is of a panner showing the biscuits after shredding.

Shredded Wheat panner showing biscuits after shredding


Next comes the packing table with its team of workers.

Shredded Wheat packing table


Below the wrapped biscuits are boxed up - the worker on the left is using a box stitching machine.

Shredded Wheat packing boxes & stitching machine


For the workers there was an elegant looking girls rest-room...

Shredded Wheat girls rest room


... and a company dining room.

Shredded Wheat company dining room

If you worked at the Shredded Wheat factory and would like to share your memories or have photographs or other material that you would like to add to our archive please do contact us.