27th June 2016 - a date for your diary

27th June 2016 is the confirmed date for the 5th Garden City Lecture. We are delighted that it will be given by Ursula Howard, great granddaughter of Ebenezer Howard.
Her talk is entitled “Ebenezer Howard: who do we think he was and how did he do it?”
Please note that the venue will be the Focolare Centre for Unity at 69 Parkway, WGC. This will be a smaller venue than previously used so seats will need to be booked. Booking will not open until the end of May but details will be posted shortly before then for applications via email, telephone or letter so please watch out for further information. As usual entry will be free of charge with a retiring collection to allow donations to be made towards the work of both WGC Heritage Trust and the WGC Society.