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Howard Centre display - 8th October 2016

The Trust will be celebrating it's 10th birthday at the end of this year - to get things underway we will have a display stand at the Howard Centre in Howardsgate, WGC on Saturday 8th October 2016 between 10am - 4pm.

We hope that you will come along and see how we are progressing with our current 'Where Do You Think We Played?' project.

Gladys A recently sent in a collection of images to the Trust's archive and told us "I lived in Guessens Road from Guessens Walk onwards. The houses were demolished way back. However, there was a great community spirit amongst the residents in that part of Guessens Road and its col-de-sac, Lanefield Walk.  St Francis Hall was opposite as was the Guide Hut. When VE Day was celebrated there was a street party and children's sports; and again at the time of VJ Day. One of the sports was in the playing field behind Guessens Road (entrance through Farm Court) and the other in the Lanefield Walk Playing Field."

One of these images was used in the above poster. It shows a girls' race in progress in the Lanefield Walk playing field - part of the Coronation celebrations in the town.