Join us Sat 16th April at WGC Library
On Saturday 16th April the Trust will be holding a drop in session at WGC Library from 10am - 3pm. We hope that you will come along to find out how our 'Where Do You Think We Played?' project is progressing - if you have any memories or memorabilia related to WGC clubs and societies that were operating between the 1920s-1970s please do bring them along!
Below are some examples of some of the material that has already been shared with us.
Above: Cyclists v runners race in 1951 at the old gravel pit (now Gosling Stadium) railway bridge close to the present ski slope. Runners Johnny Jennings, Mott Salmon, Richard (Digger) Hills, Chris Brunning and Graham Lindgren. Cyclists include Karl Gough, Ken Wright, Bill Whitney. Chris, who donated this image to the Trust's archive revealed "Runners won easily - we chose the course!"
Below: A image from an album of photographs of the Welwyn Folk Players who put on a production of a Midsummer Night's Dream in 1925 in The Dell, Sherrards Park Woods.
The above photograph is from a fascinating collection of beautifully handwritten logbooks the earliest of which dates back to 1928 when the 3rd WGC Company Girl Guides was registered. It shows a tea-party being hosted by the Girl Guides at Ludwick Corner (now part of Beehive Green). The house was the home of Mrs Frank Murphy, who was the Commisioner of Guides for WGC. Our thanks to the 3rd WGC Company of Girl Guides for allowing us to access this item from their archive.
Below is a Studio Lisa photograph in postcard format showing the "WGC Silver Prize Band". Originally named the WGC Band, the ‘silver prize’ was added after the band was successful in a national competition held at the Crystal Palace in 1936. Derek - a current member of the WGC Band kindly donated several images and documents to the Trust’s archive for the 'Where Do You Think We Played?' project. His father is pictured in the middle row - third uniformed player from the left.
Below: Jenny S kindly allowed us to photograph the badges and insignia that she achieved whilst a member of the WGC Girls Life Brigade, those shown here are just a few from her collection!