New Towns Heritage Festival

The Trust is taking part in a FREE event run by the University of Hertfordshire, Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre and Milton Keynes Council, sponsored by the AHRC celebrating the New Towns of the United Kingdom and acting as a catalyst for future joint working and sharing of best practice.
The New Towns Heritage Festival has been postponed from its original planned date in January and will now take place in MARCH 2014 at Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes.
The Welwyn Garden City Heritage Trust will be taking part in a talk entitled Experiments, Reality and Concepts. A number of sub topics will be explored and discussed in panels. Tony Skottowe (WGCHT Trustee) will be speaking at this event others include Grete Dalum Tilds (Stevenage Museum); Lee Shostak (Shared Intelligence); John Worthington (The Academy of Urbanism) and David Lock (Strategic Planning Advisor, David Lock Associates / former Chief Planner, MKDC).
For additional information or to book a place, please email Carola Holz at:
The booklet 'Welwyn Garden City New Town' was published by the WGC Development Corporation in May 1965. A copy of this was donated to the Welwyn Garden City Heritage Trust by Mary D as part of the Trust's 'Where Do You Think You Live?' project.