Welwyn Hatfield U3A Talk

On Wednesday 7th May 2014 around 150 members of the Welwyn Hatfield U3A attended a meeting at the Breaks Manor Youth Centre in Hatfield.
Above - Virginia mic'd up! Below - The audience at Breaks Manor Youth Centre.
The speaker, Virginia Simpson, joint project co-ordinator for the Trust's 'Where Do You Think We Worked?' project, gave a presentation on the project's progress, showing examples of the material that has been donated so far - artifacts, documents and photographs, as well as the ever growing collection of oral history 'Memories', all relating to the early industries that were operating in WGC between 1920-1960.
We are grateful to all those U3A members who, following that talk, offered to share memories of working in the early WGC industries, look out memorabilia for those companies and encourage relatives or friends to help us with our current project.