What Do You Belong To?

The clubs, activities and associations we join say a lot about where our interests lie and WGC has always had a reputation for its variety of social activities.
But do those we give our allegiance to in youth continue to command our time (and finances) in retirement? Do we take up new hobbies or choose to meet up with those we can reminisce with over a cup of coffee?
For the 'Where Do We Think We Worked?' project, Virginia has been reaching out to organisations or informal groups originating from shared professional experiences. Such as the little group of ladies who call themselves the 'Old Nortonians', now down to 3, who meet up informally for lunch three times a year. Or the Hertfordshire Engineers Luncheon Club, the WGC Ladies Luncheon Club...
"The WGC Rotary Club proved to be a repository of memories of early work in WGC when I attended their lunch meet and I'm sure I'll find the senior version of the Round Table, (the 41 Club) equally responsive when I meet them at their September dinner and talk, in the White Hart in Welwyn. Comestibles were also present when I spoke to the 'Un'Stable Lads at that other Welwyn Establishment- The White Horse. I note a theme appearing here! Which is the most important then - the need to share a meal - or a memory? Or are they inextricably entwined?"
With encouraging responses so far to our efforts to promote the project, we call for more local groups to come forward. No group is too small and at the very least you get a free speaker! The format can be tailored to suit your members, so it doesn't matter where you meet or what your facilities are like. (We note Virginia's eagerness to sally forth from our office when sustenance is a possibility!) Failing that, should you have all your speakers lined up for the forseeable future, we can provide you with a short paragraph about the project for your next newsletter.