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A Truly Memorable Visit

Mr Titfold receiving a momento of his visit from the Mayor, Cllr Kim Langley

The Garden City welcomed back one of its long-lost residents last month when Anthony Titford returned for a visit after a 75 year absence. Mr Titford, now 92, left Welwyn Garden in 1934 when Parkway was little more than a road with a few flower beds and the White Bridge had only just been built.

“I didn’t recognise it at first” he said, “it’s so green and full of trees.” After a tour round to look at where he used to live, Russelcroft Road at first and then Digswell, he declared “What a beautiful place! You are so lucky to live here and I am so happy that I made the journey to see it once again.” The visit lasted two days and was organised for the Trust by Dr Dennis Lewis who made a recording with Mr Titford for the growing audio archive being created of people’s early memories of the town.