Further Donations to the Archive

The Trust is continuing to receive unusual and interesting items to add to it's archive thanks to the kindness of people wanting to contribute to the current 'Where Do You Think We Worked?' project focusing on the early manufacturing companies that operated in Welwyn Garden City between 1920-1960.
The Skarsten Manufacturing Co. Ltd started in WGC in 1934 when Anders Skarsten arrived from Norway and started manufacturing his unique paint and wood scrapers. The Trust has just taken possession of its third scraper to date (an electric one purchased for 70 shillings from Harrods in 1967) but as the publicity leaflet below shows there were plenty more different types available!
Below is the Skarsten Electric Scraper with its box...
... whilst the image below shows the heating unit and, on the left, the scraping 'hook' that removed the softened paint.