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The Dream becomes Reality!

After some time spent developing the final aims & objectives of the proposed Trust for embodying in its Memorandum and Articles of Association, application forms were filed with the Charity Commissioners and Companies House this week to set up ‘ The Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust ‘.  A small signing ceremony took place on Monday 2nd October as the trustees gathered together to formally complete the process that began last May.

Trustees: Cllr Chris Cory, Anthony Fisher, Cllr Dr Dennis Lewis, Jim Morgan, and Cllr Tony Skottowe - photo by Ken Wright
Photo by Ken Wright

The trustees, shown here setting their names to what they hope will become an historic document, are ; Cllr Chris Cory, Anthony Fisher, Cllr Dr Dennis Lewis, Jim Morgan, and Cllr Tony Skottowe.

Later in a joint statement the trustees said,  “Through the establishment of The Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust and in due course the establishment of the proposed Heritage Centre within the town, we look forward with confidence to taking the past into the future and promoting the architecture and planning of Welwyn Garden City both here and across the world, for the benefit of the community at large.”

It is anticipated that full charity status for the new Heritage Trust will be granted by the Charity Commissioners shortly. For further information, or for any reader wishing to become involved in the exciting work ahead, the Heritage Trust can be contacted by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..