New logo & our Facebook page

The final design for the Trust's new logo was agreed a short while ago and you can see the result here. It will begin to appear from late July when our name officially changes to The Welwyn Garden City Heritage Trust.
One place it has already appeared is on Facebook! To coincide with the launching of the 'Where Do You Think We Worked?' project the Trust has been posting more material on its Facebook page. We shall be regularly adding items as the project proceeds so that everyone can follow our progress.
You can easily find us on Facebook by searching via Google, Bing or Yahoo! - just type 'Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust Facebook' into the search box or you can visit now by clicking here!
For those of you with a Facebook account - we're asking for your help. We need to increase the popularity of our page to gain extra privileges and that's done by you ticking the box to say you 'Like' our page when you visit it. Please encourage your family and friends to do the same.