Partners Bid For Euro Cash

The possibility of some serious cash from the European Union has brought the Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust and the University of Hertfordshire together as partners. Funds up to several million Euros are on offer. Announcing the link-up Tony Skottowe explained that the Trust had been approached late last year to join a group from Paris and Liege to apply for funds. “Aimed at Garden Cities, and how the idea could help town planning now, part of the project is to find ways to reduce energy use in homes. To have any chance of being successful we needed an academic partner”, he said.
Dr Stephen Boffey, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Regional Affairs at the University, took up the story. “When Tony came to us with the possibility of getting involved we quickly realised that the idea behind it linked perfectly with our commitment to supporting our local community. From that point on it was just a short step to becoming a full partner with the Trust.”
Work is currently is based on Garden Cities and how they work as communities. Welwyn Garden City is a superb example of what a garden city can be. It is a model for designing new towns. If we can also help with ideas on how to save energy in existing homes we should have a really powerful bid”, Tony explained.
The Trust is planning a public meeting on the evening of 12th May in Campus West. They will present their plans for a Heritage Centre and suggest how people can help make it a reality.