Peter Lind & Company builders of the Shredded Wheat grain silos

Looking into the history of the Shredded Wheat factory for our Where Do You Think We Worked? project we found that the company that built the grain silos for the Shredded Wheat factory is still going strong.
We loved the response to our email request for information - to quote "Regarding your enquiry on the 'Welgar Shredded Wheat Factory' my records show that this has actually been completed and all retention monies paid. For the avoidance of all doubt you will see that the attachment shows the snagging item being remediated"!
Below is the accompanying image.
The contract for the silos construction called for the company to make a new departure in building methods. Using sliding shutters enabled concreting to go on continuously day and night until the work was finished. Night shifts worked under floodlights, and the operation called for a high degree of organisation and supervision.
This new technique used to erect Shredded Wheat's 5,700 tons capacity silo, with its eighteen storage bins rising up to seventy feet, proved to be considerably successful. It was undoubtedly one reason for another order being placed with the company to extend the Welwyn Garden City silo by a further twenty-seven storage bins in 1938, increasing its capacity by 8,500 tons.
We are very grateful to Peter Lind & Company for its contribution to our archive and in particular to Peter Mandell for sending the material through to us so promptly.