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"Garden Cities - Back to the Future" DVD

The Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust produced a DVD of both Patrick Clarke and Kate Henderson's presentations at the first Garden City Lecture in 2012, with highlights of the Q&A session at the end, which is still available to purchase.

The cost of the DVD in a shell case is just £3:00, if delivery required the total cost is £4:00 to cover postage and packing.

If you would like to purchase the DVD do contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust, 60 Bridge Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6UR - please mark your envelope DVD and enclose a cheque made out to Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust.

Speakers Patrick Clarke and Kate Henderson have very kindly made their slide shows available. These slides are available as pdfs by clicking the links below:

Patrick Clarke's talk: "URS - Everything to be Gained"

Kate Henderson's talk: "Garden Cities - Back to the Future"