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WGC’S Third Man?

Sir Theodore Chambers
For any project to succeed it needs a visionary, a designer and a maker. You will be familiar with the names of Ebenezer Howard and Louis de Soissons, the visionary and the designer but who actually made our beautiful town? The memorial of Welwyn Garden City’s maker stands at the top of Parkway facing across The Campus but not many people know who he actually was.
Theodore Chambers was the maker of Welwyn Garden City. Chosen by Ebenezer Howard in 1920 to be the Chairman of the Board of WGC Ltd he remained in post until the company was taken in to the New Towns programme in 1948/50. During that time, he oversaw the creation of what is now recognised worldwide as one of the finest examples of town planning, but who was he?
Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 7:30pm a free online webinar is taking place with Geoffrey Hollis and guests.
The talk is based on extensive research by Geoffrey following the extraordinary revelations in his talk about Louis de Soissons. It will become clear what a huge debt of gratitude we owe Theodore Chambers, an exceptional man, including some fascinating history of his Scottish roots. The talk, supported by WGC Heritage Trust, will include a memory from his grandson, live from Hawaii, and other contributions. 

This talk is now available on the Trust's Youtube Channel at: