This company came to WGC in 1938 taking 'temporary' premises in Tewin Road but ended up staying for 35 years! 'Dedicated to understanding the chemistry of vulcanization as well as finding uses for and the promotion of rubber produced in (then) Malaya, BRPRA was funded by a one-halfpenny levy on each ton of rubber exported from that country. At that time BRPRA occupied three adjacent bungalows in Tewin Road, Welwyn Garden City (next to Bickiepegs). Filled with white-coated scientists conducting chemical experiments, and lacking ventilation, the buildings nigh-stank. At the back was a large greenhouse which was, at considerable expense, maintained at the temperature and humidity of Malaya where rubber trees were grown to provide authentic fresh latex for experimental study.' Our thanks to Hazel who, as well as donating photos, supplied notes about the company from which the above quotation is taken.
Four singers - from the left - Colin, Brian S, Greville & Brian T entertain the audience at BRPRA's Christmas Party held at the Cherry Tree in 1959.
This 'Tewin Gum Factory' sketch is part of the BRPRA Christmas Party & Cabaret held at the Cherry Tree in 1959.
An appreciative audience enjoying the BRPRA Christmas Party and Cabaret held at the Cherry Tree in 1957.
Hazel pictured here (with long hair) at the end of the row is seated next to her husband Colin who worked for the company for over 40 years.
Colin's colleague Mac "never saw the annual show. I'm not sure why not, unless it was because I had to cycle to & from St Albans. Several of us did that journey every day along Coopers Green Lane, then a quiet road, but not a safe route for bikes today! The then Director, Dr Gee, who lived in WGC, also cycled to work."
Hazel's husband Colin started work at BRPRA at 48 Tewin Rd as a research chemist. This splendid photo shows Colin operating an apparatus, designed by him, to measure the uptake of oxygen by rubber. The machine was a fore runner of the modern computer. In later years Colin took over the physical test lab, which he subsequently computerised. This photo dates from 1963.
Hazel has kindly donated a great deal of material to our project including this photograph of her husband Colin at work in his laboratory at BRPRA, Tewin Road.
Hazel's husband Colin worked at BRPRA - he was also a fan of vintage cars and this image shows his much cherished Rolls Royce 'Annabelle' parked at the factory in Tewin Road.
The BRPRA has changed its name several times in the course of it's history - including the Natural Rubber Producers' Assoc. then the Malaysian Rubber Producers' Assoc. and the name it has now the Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre (based in Hertford).
This book 'Introducing MRPRA' details the first 50 years of the company's operations, a copy of which has very kindly been donated to the Trust by Hazel.