Welwyn Garden City Limited Chairmans speech at the extraordinary meeting held on 12th May 1949. Sir Theodore Chambers begins his speech "Nearly thirty years ago I was invited by Sir Ebenezer Howard and his associates to become Chairman of a newly formed and almost unknown company, WGC Ltd. Since that time, Welwyn Garden City has become a household name throughout the world, standing for the finest in town planning and town building, with an influence on the future life of this country which will continue for many years to come. The town of WGC is primarily the conception and creation of the company and of all those who, throughout the past thirty years, have been associated together in it. Unfortunately, it will probably be not very long before the company will be forgotten and the credit for founding the greatness of the town attributed to others. I little thought, until two or three years ago, that it would fall to me, within my lifetime, to undertake the melancholy task of proposing the liquidation of this company,which has achieved so much" and ended on page 4 "Having made this final statement, as the first and last Chairman of Welwyn Garden City Limited, I now propose, with the utmost regret but with the knowledge that it is inescapable, that the company be wound up voluntarily." Kindly donated to the Welwyn Garden City Heritage Trust by Catherine (her grandfather Richard L. Reiss was a director of WGC Ltd and became Vice-Chairman of the development corporation) as part of the Where Do You Think We Worked? project.