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A Wonderful Collection Of Shredded Wheat Photos

The 7 Acre Site for Shredded Wheat's Model Food Factory

The Trust has received a collection of photographs of the iconic Shredded Wheat factory - including its construction, staff working and advertising material. A few of these images are shown below...

We hope to include more later but in the meantime if you want to see more click here to view a selection on our Facebook page (you don't have to sign in look at them but if you do please take a moment to like our Trust Facebook page - the more likes the more we can spread the news about our project and the work of the Trust in general).

In the picture above the sign states that it is the '7 Acre Site for SHREDDED WHEAT Model Food Factory' and would have been clearly visible from the nearby railway. A smaller sign on the crane is for F.D.Huntingdon Ltd as is the sign at its base.

The Silos Being Built c1925

Above are the silos being built - the image is dated c1925.

Below more of the factory is visible alongside and beyond the silos - this image is very precisely dated 14th September 1928!

Shredded Wheat factory 1928