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'Site Planning in practice at WGC' newly republished

This is the first of two new books now available from the Trust. It is a republication of a book first produced in the 1920s by Louis de Soissons, the man who designed Welwyn Garden City.

'Site Planning in practice at Welwyn Garden City', co-authored with Arthur Kenyon, is a treasure trove of photographs and site plans for almost every type of house and site in the town. This newly published facsimile of the original book is supplemented by modern colour photographs to illustrate how De Soissons designs have matured after nearly 100 years and are now enhanced by the myriad trees that are such a feature of the town.

Also included are new essays by Paul Roberts and Isabelle Taylor highlighting the skills of De Soissons and the relevance of them to creating modern communities.

A hard cover book with 330 pages it will be available via this website for £35 plus P&P if required.