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On Saturday 2nd Nov 2019 despite the inclement weather a blue plaque was delivered to Topps Tiles in Broadwater Road, WGC by the Bentley Drivers Club. It commemorates the site of the workshop set up by Sir Henry (Tim) Birkin where, in 1929, he produced his world famous racing “Blower” Bentleys.

Read more: Captain Birkin's 1929 "Blower" Bentley workshop

You can now follow WGC's Heritage Town Trail using just your smartphone (or internet connected tablet).

Read more: WGC Heritage Trust Digital Town Trail

Wednesday 15th February 2017 saw a gathering held to celebrate 10 years of the WGC Heritage Trust. Joint founders Dennis Lewis and Tony Skottowe gave short speeches recalling the start of the organisation and it’s achievements; both looked forward to the next ten years!

Read more: 10th Birthday Party

As has happened with previous displays the Trust’s recent ‘Where Do You Think We Played?’ exhibition at Sainsbury’s has prompted further donations of material for the WGC Heritage Trust archive.

Read more: Donations arrive during exhibition

'A Dramatic Hollow In Sherrardspark Wood - The Dell' a history by Trustee Robert J Gill can be purchased from the Welwyn Garden City Heritage Trust.

Read more: A dramatic hollow in Sherrardspark Wood - The Dell