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Thanks to all who visited our exhibition in Sainsbury’s, which has now ended. The show ran from Saturday 4th February for one week until Friday 10th February 2017.

Read more: Over 900 Visitors To Project Exhibition

Our thanks go to all those who came along and visited our stand in the Howard Centre on Saturday 8th October 2016.

Read more: Howard Centre display - thanks for coming!

A couple of photos from our 'Mini-CONTACT' event held on Howardsgate within the WG Petit Tour event on 17th July 2016. We had decided, as part of our 'Where Do You Think We Played?' project, to revive a little of the spirit of the Convention of Town Activities that used to be held annually on The Campus from 1966 to the early 1980s, and provided a showcase for all the different organisations and clubs that residents could join.

Read more: A mini-CONTACT revival in Howardsgate

Just what did Welwyn Garden City residents get up to in their spare time during 1920-1970? Did you join or set up a local club or society? Were you into sports, arts, music, languages, debating, socialising? What did you collect, get active with or play at?

Read more: Where Do You Think We Played?

The Trust’s book 'Where Do You Think We Worked? - A Timeline of WGC Industries 1920-1960' reveals the wealth of material gathered during the ‘Where Do You Think We Worked?' project.

Read more: 'Where Do You Think We Worked?' timeline book