Thanks to all who visited our exhibition in Sainsbury’s, which has now ended. The show ran from Saturday 4th February for one week until Friday 10th February 2017.
Our thanks go to all those who came along and visited our stand in the Howard Centre on Saturday 8th October 2016.
A couple of photos from our 'Mini-CONTACT' event held on Howardsgate within the WG Petit Tour event on 17th July 2016. We had decided, as part of our 'Where Do You Think We Played?' project, to revive a little of the spirit of the Convention of Town Activities that used to be held annually on The Campus from 1966 to the early 1980s, and provided a showcase for all the different organisations and clubs that residents could join.
Just what did Welwyn Garden City residents get up to in their spare time during 1920-1970? Did you join or set up a local club or society? Were you into sports, arts, music, languages, debating, socialising? What did you collect, get active with or play at?
The Trust’s book 'Where Do You Think We Worked? - A Timeline of WGC Industries 1920-1960' reveals the wealth of material gathered during the ‘Where Do You Think We Worked?' project.
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